Friday 9 July 2010

5 How to Find Candidates Who Virgin Wife

Looking for a virgin bride who is important (exceptions for people who lost their virginity due to accident or raped), because the status of her virginity show personality he really is. If the girl could maintain virginity until marriage, then she could at least preserve the honor & dirinya.Kalau we found our wives are not virgins anymore on the first night, we definitely feel cheated (if you did not know before) and will not worry one day we'll wife affair, we feel betrayed, and felt no trust 100% to our wives. Here are tips to find a virgin bride.
These tips do not guarantee 100% though, but it is worth more careful in finding a life companion candidates

1. Notice his behavior, speech, dress code, if the girl was impressed naughty, then often dressed too sexy then the smaller the chance of virginity.
2. See interaction, his friends, and family conditions. Is he hanging out with good people or not. Derived from kaluarga good or not.
3. Finding know her past, we could ask questions to close friends or people who've known her for longer
4. Find a girl who strongly religious. Usually a pious girl who can look after himself because he felt the Lord wherever he is supervised.
5. Would be safer if more, find a girl who has not been going out, since often the virginity of a girl taken by her ex-boyfriend himself.
Ideal example of a girl who is very big chance of virginity is a figure in the film Ayesha Ayat-Ayat Cinta. Ayesha never going out, to understand religion, pretty, rich. Usually the people of the good soul mate is fine because the interaction with good people too.


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