Sunday 31 July 2011

'I'm not going to stop until I have a Bentley like Simon Cowell's!' Cher Lloyd reveals plans to become a 'big businesswoman'


Big plans: Cher Lloyd says she wants to be as big as Simon Cowell

Cher Lloyd has revealed she isn't going to stop in the music industry until she is rich enough to buy a Bentley like the one Simon Cowell owns.

The 18-year-old singer, whose debut single Swagger Jagger is released tomorrow, said she isn't going to let any criticism hold her back in her mission to make it as the next big thing in music.

She said: 'I just ignore anyone that doesn’t like my music. I’m not stopping until I have a Bentley like Simon has got.'

Nice ride: The 18-year-old admitted she's not going to stop until she has a Bentley the same as the one owned by Simon Cowell

Cher also revealed Simon has always encouraged her to stick to her own unique style when it comes to her attitude and her music.

She added to the Sunday Mirror: 'He told me not to change and not let people tell me what to do. He said listen to people that know best but always do what your gut says is right. He’s a good man.

Mixed response: The 18-year-old performed her new single Swagger Jagger to the 70,000 festivalgoers

‘I’d love to be like Simon. I really look up to him and everything he has achieved. I want to be a big businesswoman.

'One day I’d like my own record label to give other artists the chance to get their music out there.’

Looking the part: Cher 'looked like a pop star' as she performed with her dancers

Cher's Swagger Jagger is out tomorrow, but available to download now.

source: dailymail


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