Friday 27 February 2009

Sexy Girl from Japanese Model

Sexy Girl from Japanese Model

Every woman want her face look beautiful and clean but sometime we get problem with our skin especially for skin face. As a beautiful models or sexy girl , acne is one of big problem and usually women want to remove quickly from her face.

Do you know about Japanese girl model , Japanese Sexy girl , Korean Female Girl , The most sexiest woman in the world ? In their face , very clean and haven’t problem with acne because girls model , sexy woman , Japanese sexy female always care about their health especially for their skin face. You can see as Yumi Sugimoto , Erika Sajiwari , Sora Ai and other Japanese girls , they are very beautiful girl because haven’t problem with acne and I want to share information to remove acne from your skin face , I hope this information will help you to remove acne quickly.

1. Drinking water

This is simple enough. The idea is this: if enough water is taken in, the body can be cleansed of toxic elements which can contribute to the development and spread of acne.

2. Alternate Hot/Cold Compresses

A natural acne treatment is the usage of hot and cold wet towel compresses to reduce swelling and elimination of clogged pores. The hot wet towel can be applied to the affected area for 45 seconds and then a cold wet towel can be applied for 15 seconds.

Repeat this process for 3 times in succession and always end with the cold treatment. Repeat for several times during the day.

3. Cucumber juice

This calms the acne affected skin and can be used as a topical application alone or used in combination with carrot juice and lettuce, which calms and cools the skin.

4. Honey mask

Honey has anti-bacterial properties and can be applied to the face to kill bacteria. The mask can be applied twice a week.

5. Distilled white vinegar

Apply the vinegar topically. And let it settle on the affected skin for at least 5 minutes. Rise off with cool water. Dilution is recommended to reduce the acidity of the vinegar, However, do not over-dilute. A 10 times dilution should be sufficient.

6. Oils and Juices

Almond oil can reduce acne scares and is one of the best natural skin care treatment for acne. Apricot juice helps to alleviate the presence of cysts by cutting through them.

7. Citric fruit juices

Citric fruit juices such as lemon juices is a natural exfoliate, removing dead skin cells which in excess, can cause clogging of pores. Apply the lemon juice on the face and allow to dry for ten minutes before rinsing off with cool water.


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